Pregnancy Chronicles: Growing Our Family


We are pregnant!

My little family and I are excited to announce that we are officially welcoming baby number 2. A lot of you have been asking me when I’m having baby number 2 since the day after I had baby number 1 lol! I love this time in my life because I feel like it happened when it was supposed to. I didn’t need to plan anything; I just left it in Allah’s hands.

I’m anxious to see how life changes when our new little bundle of joy comes into the world. Sometimes Diari feels like three kids on her own, but I can’t wait to see how she grows and changes with a little sibling in her life. Baby number 2 has already changed my life in so many ways. Stay tuned on the blog and Instagram to see the growth over the next few months!

Mother Daughter maternity

Pregnancy So Far

With Diari, I had so much energy. I was cooking, working, studying, and doing all kinds of things like I wasn’t carrying a whole human! But this time, Baby is letting me know that they are here. I have been nauseous all the time and I’m always throwing up. My body hurts, my boobs are sore, and smells bother me so much that I don’t even want anyone near me sometimes. The first couple months were the worst, but things are starting to get better. And on the bright side, I’ve only gained seven pounds (FOR NOW)! If you knew me during my pregnancy with Diari, you know that’s a big deal!

Mother Daughter Matching Pajamas

Pregnancy Cravings

Since I’m always so tired during this pregnancy, I haven’t been able to cook my favorite meals like when I was pregnant with Diari. Instead, I’ve pretty much been living on UberEats since day one! Almost every meal I’ve had lately has been takeout lol. I started to feel bad for hubby, but my mom and her sisters came to cook for us. Now he’s even making some of his favorite meals on his own!

Pregnancy chronicles

Pregnancy Fashion

What is pregnancy fashion? These days, I throw on whatever is comfortable and I am out the door, and I make no apologies for it! Juggling full-time work, Diari, hubby (he’s really baby zero lol), blogging, and pregnancy sickness, I need to be comfy at all times. I like my dresses, sweats, and oversized sweaters. Don’t get me wrong, I still love to get dressed up every now and then. But, I don’t put the pressure on myself anymore to be perfect anymore. I’m learning to accept that I can’t be perfect all the time. Sometimes, I’m sick and tired, so I should be allowed to dress how I feel comfortable. It’s not like I have anyone to impress anyway; hubby is stuck with me!

Pink Pajamas - Maternity shoot

Upcoming Pregnancy Blogs

I’m so excited for this chapter in my life and I am grateful that I have the blog to help me document it all. In the next few months, look for pregnancy tales on the blog. I hope you enjoy the pictures coming up from the reveal.

For my second-time parents, how was your second pregnancy different from your first? What changes did you experience in pain, cravings, and experience? How did kid one adapt to kid two? And for my first-time parents, how’s it going? Are you feeling the pressure to have kid two yet? Share your pregnancy and parenting stories in the comments!
